Saturday, 21 February 2015

Holland and Barrett Haul

I'm not one for posting a regular shopping haul, and I won't bore anyone to death by beginning a weekly food shop post - however I did think that my recent Holland and Barrett purchases needed to be shared.

I love this store, and I have for ages - it's just a shame it's not larger! As I am moving this week I thought I would take the opportunity to pop in and get the store cupboard staples I've been so longing to have whilst staying with family. Just to make sure I have the healthy basics straight away - I'll be cooking all month, just you watch!

1. I am so excited about properly making Chia seeds part of my diet, I think they are great for breakfast, and suit me perfectly as it is best to prepare the night before, and I am always in a rush in the mornings!
2. I love making soups, so quick and easy - for dinner or desk food! This soup mix will work perfectly as a vegetarian base containing peas, lentils and barley. I think it can make a soup on it's own, but I will probably add it to more vegetables, and possibly use it for curries too.
3. I can't get enough of lentils - so useful for everything; soup, casserole, curry and even as a side. Staple ingredient for me.
4. It's always good to have something to add it bit of bulk to a smaller meal, and quinoa is my favourite way to do this - no gluten, no processed grains... it's the perfect side dish.
5. Porridge tends to be my go to breakfast, especially in the winter, so these gluten free oats were a must have.
6. I'm quite excited about the teas I found here - I've never seen Clipper's Zen Again tea before. I love the brand and thought I'd give it a try - with lemongrass, eucalyptus and ginkgo it sounds perfect.
7. I try to stay away from bread and wheat as much as I can. Rye bread is low in gluten and very filling in spite of that. I love it with poached eggs and asparagus.
8. Bouillon powder is perfect for a stock and hot drink - with all these soups I plan on making it was a necessity!
9. I don't think I need to explain why I bought coconut oil. It's just perfection!
10. YogiTea's Snack Tea is actually to curb between meal hunger, but I liked the ingredients in spite of that - twice as good a purchase!

I couldn't stop myself picking up these two great health and wellbeing journals too - I've not read Natural Health before but flicking through it I realised it covered everything I am interested in, so I wanted to give it a go. This afternoon I have these two to enjoy and learn from, plus a cup of YogiTea and some Zen music from the one and only Yellow Brick Cinema in the background.

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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