Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Mindfulness for Beginners

I don’t pretend to be an expert on anything mindfulness-related yet. For now I’m learning and enjoying the journey. Of course I intend to do this my way, but I’m naturally very theoretical, and always want to understand the detail behind things so I invested in this book.

So far, so good. I love to hear other people’s views as well as understanding the theory behind practicing mindfulness. It would appear that it is almost becoming en vogue, something I wasn’t aware of, but will make best use of. Hopefully this will mean lots of information, sharing and understanding of the practice. I will shortly be moving again, finally into my own apartment and I have been researching 8-week mindfulness courses around the area. I think I’ve found the one that fits for me, and I’m looking forward to enrolling and starting to be guided along this journey.

As a useful tool for my mindfulness practise, I also grabbed a copy of the Mindfulness Journal from my favourite stationary store. Their products are so adorable, and they currently have a range devoted to inspiration. This journal is perfect for my ever so slightly nerdy obsession with writing things down, and tracking what’s happening. For this though, I actually think it will be a good thing.

I love the journal - it has pages of meditation information, mindfulness practice and space for your own thoughts. It then splits up into months, to reflect on the month as a whole, as well as space for individual days. I think this is a great set up, allowing yourself to then reflect back on how you've change and progressed over the year.

I really want to get started on an 8-week mindfulness course. I'm really keen on this one from The Mindfulness Project, and this one from The Now Project. Part of me thinks I need to go easy on the courses - I'm already well underway with my Nutritionist Course - but then again, I really enjoy learning things I'm interested in and I think the two go hand in hand.


  1. The journal is such a good idea! Love it! -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation

  2. Oh this sounds a great project! Amazing quote too! =)
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!

    NEW POST on


  3. This is a really nice post- i think we could all learn from being a bit more mindful! That journal is a great help too, I might look in to this :) xx

    Sophie Elizabeth

  4. I love practicing mindfulness, it really helps me! There is an app I use called Headspace and it is brill!

    Hayley-Eszti |

  5. I've been thinking about trying out meditation, my boyfriend keeps telling me to practice because I get stressed sooo easily - he has been practicing for a few years now and he can just sit peacefully with no thoughts and I really want to be able to do that! I may look into getting the journal!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  6. I'd love to be able to meditate, I think far too much and it would be nice to be able to flick the 'off' switch and just clear my thoughts occassionally! Let me know how the course goes.
    Also I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, pop by my page if you want to join in, the rules and questions are on my latest post! xo


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